Ultimi giorni per iscriversi alle Summer Schools a tema museale ed editoriale
Gipsoteca di Arte Antica 21 Aprile 2022
Le iscrizioni alle summer school, organizzate dal Sistema Museale di Ateneo, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, scadono il 30 aprile.
Communication in museums. Labels, educational panels, and new technologies
Period: 6 – 10 June 2022
The course addresses the strategies and methods of communication inside a museum, focusing on the content, design, and technologies of labels and educational panels. How to balance information and simplicity? What information does an object require in order to be fully understood and appreciated? When is a text effective? How can we construct lengthier historical or geographical narratives? What are the current design standards for educational materials inside a museum? What may new technologies offer in order to provide a rich/individual experience, tailored to diverse audiences and types of visits? These and related questions will be discussed by experienced instructors from a variety of backgrounds, including archaeologists, art historians, curators, exhibition designers, developers of digital/virtual educational tools, experts of communication for children, the neurodiverse public, and visitors with limited vision or hearing abilities.
Deadline: 30 April 2022
Communication and research. The professions and processes of academic publishing
The two-week course is digitally hosted by the Museums of the University of Pisa (SMA) and tailored to the needs of graduates of any discipline interested in a career in academic/educational publishing.
What are the professions involved in academic publishing? What are the processes behind designing a scientific volume (in terms of contents, page design, budget and royalties, distribution)? How is a scientific volume produced (writing, copy-editing, translation/language editing, design, images and charts, bibliographies, indexes, the creation of digital contents)? How is a scientific book marketed and distributed?
The course revolves around these and related questions, by relying on the experience of experienced instructors from a variety of fields: managing editors of both commercial publishing companies and university presses, the editors of scholarly journals, business consultants, copy-editors, translators and language editors, designers, researchers, and the creators of digital contents.
Period: 13 – 24 June 2022
Deadline: 30 April 2022
Prof. Anna Anguissola anna.anguissola@unipi.it
Website www.sma.unipi.it
Website www.gipsoteca.sma.unipi.it
Summer/Winter School Office support.summerschool@unipi.it